Throne Cycles - 10th Red Hook Crit
Describing our story of having traveled to Brooklyn, NY for the 10th anniversary Red Hook Crit race is a bit of a challenge, It is definitely one of those you had to be there and experience it yourself type of moments. We landed Thursday night and pretty much hung out at our AirBnB all Friday with the exception of going to the Pre-Party for a bit at the Chrome Industries flagship store. With the new format for qualifiers we felt that it was a better way to land a spot in the finals and even make the top 5 rows. We got put in Heat 5 with some top riders like Aldo from Specialized and Roberto of Bike channel team, but that didn't stop our motivation. We went in with one goal in mind, Drop the hammer for 30 minutes and we did exactly that! We secured a spot in the main race in 10th and 16th position which felt great knowing we didn't have to put more energy in the Last Chance Race. For the Women qualifiers we missed the super pole position by a few spot but Alex still secured her mark coming in at 11th overall in her heat.
We felt great knowing we all made the main events of the night and had to keep our adrenaline going for the final race. The Women kicked off the series first, we are sure now everyone is aware of the Viral video of the first major crash of the night, it definitely changed the mood not just for the athletes but for spectators as well. Lucky with all that blood pumping Alex still managed to get up and give it a go with a sprained wrist and bruises on her hip. Our team handled the situation fantastic being able to swap out her rear wheel that got damaged because of the impact and get her rolling for the restart. Check out more videos of the race at @redhookcrit A fast race for sure that was captured all on our Live Instagram feed so make sure you are following us so you never miss the action! @ThroneCycles
Cowbells ringing, People cheering, and the athletes lining up for the biggest event of the night, you could feel the vibes in the atmosphere, both anxious and thrilling. Right off the bat the group got strung out with a breakaway and chase group after chase group. With many crashes going down left and right we wish we could have made it to the front of the final race but it wasn't for lack of form or skill, we were racing among some of the best in the game. With 7 to go the group we were in got blue flagged and there was confusion in the peloton, Chas, Bobe, Martucci, we recall someone saying "Are we blue flagged? WTF?!" Yea i think so... - James. We couldn't see the moto behind us nor the breakaway so we kept pushing and next thing you know RED FLAG ! RED FLAG ! Our local So Cal rider and friend unfortunately went down hard, they had to restart the race. Rest up Cesar we will see you soon slaying the crits even stronger. A fast race indeed that we took part of and made history and we couldn't be happier at the results and all the effort we put out. We were stoked to come to Red Hook Crit and do damage and keep it rubber side down, Check out more pics of our adventures in New York City at @ThroneCycles and enjoy some killer shots by @BoostamanteFotos.
Thank you all for the support, the fans, everyone that came to say wassup, that cheered us on, Jimmy the mechanic, @stayslowww for the loaner wheel. See ya soon!
Check out the Final Results at redhookcrit.com