Redbull Last Stand - #ThroneTourSA
This past weekend we headed east towards the Lone Star State, San Antonio TX for the second installment of the Redbull Last Stand. We landed Friday night and headed straight to our dudes at @Bottom Bracket to get our bikes dialed up and join them for a mosey ride trough some of SATX downtown landmarks. As we prepared for Race Day we saw the final line up and knew it was going to be a battle till the end! With some of fastest riders lined up we had one goal in mind, don't be last.
The Qualifiers started with the Track Category with Heat 1 (us) going up first. With big names in that heat like Colin and Addison we aimed to lay down a fast lap to position a grid spot on the front line. It worked, all 3 of our top riders advanced to the finals landing a spot in the top 15. As we watched the rest of the heats go up we saw some gnarly crashes on turn 1 that made officials widen up the course and not have it too narrow. A good move by the officials and keeping the course as safe as possible. As the qualifiers came to an end we got back on the rollers and started warming up for the Final race of the season for us.
Out of 92 athletes only 50 qualified for the finals, out of those 50 we were sitting in top 15. As officials called each of us to the start line you can feel the intensity in the air and a sense of relief that this was the final moments before they start gunning down the course at a 28mph average speed. Just like that, BOOM! The race had started and we were moving! With 15 laps in you can see the front field gaining up on the last riders remaining which made things a bit difficult since officials said they weren't going to pull any riders that got lapped so the front pack was unsure if they should go around them. Officials had no choice but to pull just about 10 riders or so from the race and let them keep racing without pulling anyone for about 7 laps, things got sketchy and the race got faster! After a few more laps you could see who was in the top 20 field with all of our 3 riders still in the battle. One by one they started getting picked off as the race grew more intense and everyone with the same state of mind of not being the last one. Overall we came here with one goal and we definitely left it all in the field. We came close and are stoked for the lineup for our 2018 roster. Our San Antonio local James came in at a solid 9th place with our newest team member Barra coming in 11th place. Jerry came close to the top 15 pay out and landed a 16th place finish. We were so stoked at the amount of support we got from everyone specially the locals that kept us going hard, non of this would have been possible with out our supporters. We closed that chapter and headed to @BBSC for the Unofficial Official After Party / Alleycat we were hosting with our friends at Bottom Bracket and the experience was unforgettable. We had a great time with everyone and too many lone stars as we should have. If you appreciate good photography check out some awesome actions shots by our friend @txtroublemaker and give him a follow.
Thank youBottom Bracket
The Seventh Letter
Lazer Helmets
Swiftwick Socks
Ritchey Logic